Featured Projects

Samples of some of my work from the past year.


A MERN stack single-page application where the front-end uses React and Redux. The server is built using GraphQL with a Node.js and Express.js server and MongoDB and the Mongoose ODM for the database.

UI Design
MERN Stack Development
Waste Management

A 2-week long project focused on full-stack development. The application allows the user to store, access, and save quantitative data regarding their product expenses. Business owners can track their restaurant’s inventory with business-specific accounting, ultimately improving order accuracy and streamlining their budget.

UI Design
Full Stack Development
Waste Management
Coca-Cola Company

3-week research into a website redesign concept focused on aligning the design towards their brand identity and market objectives.

User Research
UX/UI Design
Coca Cola Case Study
Black Lives Matter Canada

A 3-week research project centered around a website redesign concept to improve credibility, optimize content to educate visitors, and generate more donations traffic.

User Research
UX/UI Design
Case Study
Black Lives Matter Canada Case Study